At Group CBS, we take pride in being available and capable of responding at any time, anywhere. If you can’t reach us at our offices because it’s outside normal business hours, please use the phone numbers below to contact our business unit managers at anytime.
Inventory: As a member of Group CBS, we have the largest inventory of low and medium voltage power equipment available in North America. Plus we have literally millions of parts in stock.
Shop Services: Our modern shop facilities coupled with our skilled engineers and technicians can provide comprehensive, quality repair, rebuild, and life extension capabilities.
Onsite Services: On-site emergency field service, including electrical testing and repair, is available. We have aircraft, hot-shot trucks, and complete mobile electrical work shops immediately available.
Equipment Rental: Our extensive inventory of circuit breakers, motor control, switchgear, transformers and other electrical apparatus is available for rental as well as purchase.
If there is no response at our 24/7 number 800-232-5809, try the next number on the list below. WE WILL RESPOND!
Other Group CBS Emergency Contacts:
For Replacement Parts and Assemblies, contact:
Justin Brewer | Cell: 940-736-1799 or Brad Williams | Cell: (940) 284-5099
For Service Shop Direct (SSD) Assistance, contact:
Justin Brewer | Cell: 940-736-1799 or Ben Hoagland | Cell: 940-736-0661
For Circuit Breaker Sales Co, Gainesville, TX After-Hours Support, contact:
Justin Brewer | Cell: 940-736-1799 or Ben Hoagland | Cell: 940-736-0661
For Transformer Sales, contact:
Paul Grein | Cell: 940-736-3381
For Emergency Service or After-Hours Support of CBS ArcSafe® Products, contact:
Ben Waltersheid | Cell: 940-736-0800
For Emergency Service for Molded Case Circuit Breakers or Motor Controls, contact:
AEAMC Office | 800-289-2757
For Emergency Service for Replacement Vacuum Interrupters, contact:
Adam Dangelmayr | Cell: 940-736-4885
For Emergency Service for Protective Relays, contact:
Ashley Rogers | Cell: 203-443-7255
For Emergency Service for Circuit Breaker Trip Devices, contact:
Derreck Barnhill | Cell: 940-703-0381
For Sales and Service in Southeastern U.S. for All Group CBS Products, contact:
Lee Heine | Cell: 713-878-3071 or Andy Collins | 713-302-5848
For Midwest Emergency Service or On-Site Field Service, contact:
Tim Chicki | Cell: 219-334-8865
For Western U.S. Emergency Service or On-Site Field Service, contact:
Matt Wallace | Cell: 619-672-5217
For Eastern U.S. Emergency Service or On-Site Field Service, contact:
Mose Ramieh | Cell: 615-672-6011
And remember:
You can contact Group CBS Emergency and After-Hours Support 365/24/7.
Call 800-232-5809 ANYTIME